Store Index - Operating Systems Book:
by Robin Williams Paperback - 824 pages 1st edition (December 26, 2001) Peachpit Press ISBN: 0201748665 Dimensions (in inches): 1.64 x 10.05 x 8.54 From Book News, Inc. A guide to Macintosh's new operating system that covers all the standard topics including menus and shortcuts, using the windows, system preferences, using aliases, applications and utilities, using the Internet, and sharing files. Additional information includes discussions of reformatting, partitions, using the classic environment, and a review of how OS 9 features have been changed.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR Spotlight Reviews: Reviewer: Tony Williams from Neutral Bay, NSW Australia Robin Williams is a goddess when it comes to useful books for beginners, this book and "The Mac Is Not A Typewriter" are the two books I tell all new Mac owners to buy. Apple should just bundle the two of them in the box and hire Robin to write all their documentation. This book is informative, fun, insightful, useful, well written, well designed and everything you'd hope for in a book that is going to sit next to the most amazing computer of all time. (Sorry, was I gushing.) Robin spends a great deal of time explaining the inner workings of your computer in very readable, informative way. Always a good book the rewrite for Mac OS X has just added to its appeal - I've been using a Mac for more than ten years, OS X for more than 6 months and Robin taught me several things about my Mac and the new OS. If you often find yourself recommending the Mac to friends (and I know I do) buy them a copy of this book the moment you hear about their new purchase. It will save them many headaches, ease their path into "The Macintosh Way" and you'll get a lot less phone calls. Reviewer: Peter Chien from Rome, NY Trust Robin Williams to create the most user-friendly of books on whatever subject she chooses to write about. Fortunately for Mac users, she chooses to write about Macs most of the time. If you have never used a computer before, or are an average user making the switch from Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X, you cannot find a better book as your guide for the experience. Multiple screen shots, clearly explained terms, separate explanations for beginners and experienced users where appropriate, and impeccable formatting are hallmarks of this book. For novice to intermediate users. Reviewer: A reader from Arlington, VA United States I am a great fan of Robin Wliliams' books and I think I own every book she has published. This book has the same strengths as her others. She presents information in English, not tech speak, and makes it much simpler to understand, e.g. for the first time I now know how to tell a crossover from a straight ethernet cable. Some may say it is too basic, but while I have found the transition to X not very difficult, I have picked up a number of tips I would have missed. She also covers things not covered elsewhere, notably iTools and has a major discussion of iTunes. Williams uses lots of screen shots so you can compare her picture with what is on your screen. While some may consider it mundane, another strength of her books are the indexes. This one doesn't disappoint--as always, it's very thorough and her use of bold titles makes it much easier to find things. If you are a power user and want to know about terminal and how to use UNIX, this book won't help, but if you are a beginner to intermediate user, GET THIS BOOK! |
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